December 2012
As the year draws to a close, the Mayfield Lab celebrated Christmas with a delicious morning tea. The new year will see the return of some members and the addition of others. Carol Palmer is back from injury and ready to complete her Honours Project and Lachlan Charles is re-joining the lab as a PhD student. We will also welcome Tim Staples and Adam Maxwell when they join the lab as Honours students in February. Happy Holidays!

Not present: Hao Ran Lai, Alana Danne, Lachlan Charles).
Photo: T. Smith
November 2012
Michael Sams and Toby Smith are currently in the tropical rainforests of Atherton sampling for the plant community re-assembly project. They are getting some invaluable local knowledge from Dr Dan Metcalfe, Research Scientist with CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems.

Photo: T. Smith
October 2012
The lab is currently celebrating the recent arrival of Margie Mayfield’s second son. He kept us waiting for nearly a week but was finally welcomed by the Mayfield-Scott family on October 12.
More cause for celebration this month as our Honours student Hao Ran Lai submitted his thesis. His project, looking at the relationship between plant functional traits and community assembly in human-disturbed subtropical rainforests, was quite successful and the lab is encouraging him to continue his research career.

Photo: T. Smith
September 2012
Margie Mayfield recently attended the Women in Technology (WiT) Gala Awards which showcases the outstanding achievement of women in technology industries ranging from information technology and engineering to the science community. At the awards, Margie was presented with the Life Sciences Research Award for showing significant leadership potential in her career.

August 2012
The lab has been quiet lately as many lab members are currently busy with field work. Claire Wainwright is in Western Australia – collecting data for her PhD, new post doc Michael Sams just returned from a week in the rainforest, as did Toby Smith and Lachlan Charles. Alex Haller flew back to UQ from field work long enough to say a quick hello and then leave again for Girraween NP.

Photo: M. Sams
July 2012
A number of lab members have recently achieved some impressive milestones. Congratulations to Emma Ladouceur for successfully completing her Masters and to Claire Wainwright for passing her PhD confirmation. Honours student Lachlan Charles completed his Honours year, gaining a First Class. He is already making plans for a PhD.

Photo: T Smith