
Research Papers


Buche, L., Shoemaker, L.G., Hallett, L.M., Bartomeus, I., Vesk, P., Weiss-Lehman, C., Mayfield, M. and Godoy, O. (2025), A Continuum From Positive to Negative Interactions Drives Plant Species’ Performance in a Diverse Community. Ecology Letters, 28: e70059.


Bimler, M.D., Stouffer, D.B., Martyn, T.E. & Mayfield, M.M. (2024) Plant interaction networks reveal the limits of our understanding of diversity maintenance. Ecology Letters, 27, e14376.

Catling, A. A., Mayfield, M. M., & Dwyer, J. M. (2024). Individual vital rates respond differently to local-scale environmental variation and neighbour removal. Journal of Ecology, 00, 114.

da Silva, I.A., Merritt, D.J., Erickson, T.E., Mayfield, M.M. & Dwyer, J.M. (2024) Annual species’ experimental germination responses to light and temperature do not correspond with their microhabitat associations in the field. Journal of Vegetation Science, 35, e13252.


Bimler, M. D., & Mayfield, M. M. (2023). Ecology: Lifting the curtain on higher-order interactions. Current Biology, 33(2), R77-R79.

Bimler, M. D., Mayfield, M. M., Martyn, T. E., & Stouffer, D. B. (2023). Estimating interaction strengths for diverse horizontal systems using performance data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14(3), 968-980.

Cervantes-Loreto, A., Pastore, A.I., Brown, C.R.P., Marraffini, M.L., Aldebert, C., Mayfield, M.M. & Stouffer, D.B. (2023). “ Environmental Context, Parameter Sensitivity, and Structural Sensitivity Impact Predictions of Annual-Plant Coexistence.” Ecological Monographs 93(4): e1592.

Hallett, L. M., Aoyama, L., Barabás, G., Gilbert, B., Larios, L., Shackelford, N., … Mayfield, M.M., … & Shoemaker, L. G. (2023). Restoration ecology through the lens of coexistence theory. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 38(11), P1085-1096.

James, A. R., Mayfield, M. M., & Dwyer, J. M. (2023). Patterns of frequency and density dependence are highly variable in diverse annual flowering plant communities. Ecology, 104(5), e4021.

López-Cubillos, S., McDonald-Madden, E., Mayfield, M. M., & Runting, R. K. (2023). Optimal restoration for pollination services increases forest cover while doubling agricultural profits. Plos Biology, 21(5), e3002107.

Mayfield, M. M., Lau, J.A., Tobias, J.A., Ives, A.R. and Strauss, S.Y. (2023) What Can Evolutionary History Tell Us about the Functioning of Ecological Communities? The ASN Presidential Debate. The American Naturalist 202(5): 587-603.

Raymundo, M., Caballes, C. F., Mayfield, M. M., & Hock, K. (2023). Informed selection of corridors through network and graph analyses to enhance dispersal potential through an agricultural matrix. Landscape Ecology, 38(2), 449-461.

da Silva, I. A., Mayfield, M. M., & Dwyer, J. M. (2023). Weak evidence of trade-offs modulated by seed mass among a guild of closely related winter annuals. Oecologia, 202(3), 561-575.

Sims C.A., Sampayo E.M., Kim S.W., Mayfield M.M. & Pandolfi J.M. (2023). Coral early life history dynamics: conspecific facilitation or limitation are dependent on distinct life stage interactions. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 720, 39-57.


Bowler, C.H., Weiss-Lehman, C., Towers, I.R.,Mayfield, M.M.& Shoemaker, L.G. 2022 Accounting for demographic uncertainty increases predictions for species coexistence: A case study with annual plants. Ecology Letters, 25, 1618– 1628.

Germain, R.M., Urquhart-Cronish, M., Jones, N.T.,Mayfield, M. M.Raymundo, M.2022.  The strength and direction of local (mal)adaptation depends on neighbour density and the environment. Journal of Ecology, 110, 514– 525.

Lai, H. R., Chong, K. Y., Koon, A. T., Mayfield, M. M. and Stouffer, D. B. 2022. Non-additive biotic interactions improve predictions of tropical tree growth and impact community size structure. Ecology 103(2):e03588. 10.1002/ecy.3588

Persson, A.S., Westman, A., Smith, T.J., Mayfield, M.M., Olsson, P., Smith H.G. and Fuller, R. 2022. Backyard buzz: human population density modifies the value of vegetation cover for insect pollinators in a subtropical city. Urban Ecosystems.

Reynolds, V.A., Cunningham, S.A., Rader, R., & Mayfield, M.M.2022. Adjacent crop type impacts potential pollinator communities and their pollination services in remnants of natural vegetation. Diversity and Distributions,  8, 1269– 1281.

Staples, T.L.Mayfield, M.M., England, J.R., and Dwyer, J.M.  2022. Drivers of Acacia and Eucalyptus Growth Rate Differ in Strength and Direction in Restoration Plantings across Australia. Ecological Applications e2636.

Suárez-Castro, A.F., Raymundo, M., Bimler, M. and Mayfield, M.M. 2022, Using multi-scale spatially explicit frameworks to understand the relationship between functional diversity and species richness. Ecography, 2022: e05844.

Towers, I.R., Merritt, D.J., Erickson, T.E., Mayfield, M.M., and Dwyer, J.M. 2022 Variable seed bed microsite conditions and light influence germination in Australian winter annuals. Oecologia 198, 865–875 (2022).

Weiss-Lehman, C.P., Werner, C.M., Bowler, C.H., Hallett, L.M., Mayfield, M.M., Godoy, O., et al. (2022) Disentangling key species interactions in diverse and heterogeneous communities: A Bayesian sparse modelling approach. Ecology Letters,  25,  1263– 1276.


Anderegg, L. D. L., Markham, I.P., Loy, X.Elmer, C., Hovenden, M. J., HilleRisLambers, J. and Mayfield, M. M. 2021. Aridity drives coordinated trait shifts but not decreased trait variance across the geographic range of eight Australian trees. New Phytologist229(3): 1375-13.

Lázaro-Lobo, A., Moles, A. T., Fried, G., Verloove, F., Campos, J. A., Herrera, M., Goñi, E., Bioret, F.,  Buffa, G., Fantinato, E., Sentinella, A., Zalucki, M. P., Mayfield, M. M.Smith, T.Catling, A., Zalucki, J. M., Lucardi, R., Shoemaker, C. M., Mason, D. S. and Ervin, G. N. Accepted Aug 1, 2021 Phenotypic differentiation among native, expansive, and introduced populations influences invasion success of Baccharis halimifolia L. Journal of Biogeography.

López-Cubillos, S., Runting, R., Mayfield, M. M., McDonald-Madden, E. 2021.Spatial planning for conservation and economic development in agricultural landscapes: bridging the gap with pollination services. Environmental Research Letters 16: 064098.

Martyn, T. E., Stouffer, D. B., Godoy, O., Bartomeus, I., Pastore, A. I.Mayfield, M. M. 2021. Identifying ‘useful’ fitness models: balancing the benefits of added complexity with realistic data requirements in models of individual plant fitness. The American Naturalist

Pastore, A. I.Bimler, M. D., Barabás, G. Mayfield, M. M., Miller, T. E. 2021. Towards a theoretical understanding of changes in niche overlap and competitive differences. When can coexistence evolve? Nature Ecology and Evolution 5(3): 330-337.

Raymundo, M.Pastore, A., HilleRisLambers, J., and Mayfield, M. M2021. Rainfall and dispersal limitation combine to alter invaded plant community diversity and dominance hierarchies. Climate Change Ecology 2, 100024.

Sims, C. A., Sampayo, E. M., Mayfield, M. M., Staples, T. L., Gutierrez-Isaza, N., Dalton, S. J. and Pandolfi, J. M. 2021. Adult presence and settler density interact to limit establishment of reef building coral species.  Oikos. 10.1111/oik.08110


Britton, T., Hovenden, M., Porter, M., Flittner, A., Brinkhoff, R. and Mayfield, M. M2020. Plant communities, species and individuals have distinct responses to short-term warming and neighbour removal in two montane grasslands. Applied Vegetation Science 12557.

Clark, A. T., Turnbull, A. L., Tredennick, A., Allan, E., Harpole, W. S., Mayfield, M. M., Soliveres, S., Barry, K., Eisenhauer, N., de Kroon, H., Rosenbaum, B., Wagg, C., Weigelt, A., Feng, Y., Roscher, C. and Schmid, B. 2020. Predicting species abundances in a grassland biodiversity experiment: Trade‐offs between model complexity and generality.Journal of Ecology. 108: 774– 787. link

Li, Y., Mayfield, M. M., Wang, Ba, Xiao, J., Janik, D., Holik, J. and Chu, C. 2020. Beyond direct neighbourhood effects: higher-order interactions improve modelling and predicting tree survival and growth. National Science Review.

Rocha‐Santos, L, Mayfield, M. M., Lopes, A. V., et al. The loss of functional diversity: A detrimental influence of landscape‐scale deforestation on tree reproductive traits. Journal of Ecology. 2020; 108: 212– 223. link

Shoemaker, L. G. Sullivan, L. L., Donohue, I., Cabral, J. S., Williams, R. J., Mayfield, M. M., Chase, J. M., Chu, C., Stanley Harpole, W., Huth, A., HilleRisLambers, J., James, A. R. M., Kraft, N. J. B., May, F., Muthukrishnan, R., Satterlee, S., Taubert, F., Wang, X., Wiegand, T., Yang, Q., and Abbott, K. C. 2020. Integrating the underlying structure of stochasticity into community ecology. Ecology. 101( 2):e02922. link

Staples, T. L.Mayfield, M. M.England, J. E. and Dwyer, J. M. 2020. Comparing the recovery of richness, structure, and biomass in naturally regrowing and planted reforestation. Restoration Ecology. 28 (2): 347–357. link

SuárezCastro, A. F., Cattario, L., Mayfield, M. M., Mitchell, M. G. E, Maron, M., and Rhodes, J. R. 2020. Effects of landscape fragmentation on functional diversity and its association with species richness. Landscape Ecology 35(10) 2239-2253.

Towers, I.Bowler, C.Mayfield, M. M., Dwyer, J. 2020. Requirements for the spatial storage effect are weakly evident for common species in natural annual plant assemblages. Ecology 101(12), e03185.


Barry, K. E., de Kroon, H., Dietrich, P., Harpole, S., Roeder, A., Schmid, B., Clark, A. T., Mayfield, M. M., Wagg, C., Roscher, C. 2019. Linking species coexistence to ecosystem functioning – a conceptual framework from ecological first principles in grassland ecosystems. Advances in Ecological Research 61: 265-296.

Castro-Díez, P., Vaz, A. S., Silva, J. S., van Loo, M., Alonso Á., Aponte, C., Bayón, Á., Bellingham, P. J., Chiuffo, M. C., DiManno, N., Julian, K., Kandert, S., La Porta, N., Marchante, H., Maule, H. G., Mayfield, M. M., Metcalfe, D., Monteverdi, M. C., Núñez, M. A., Ostertag, R., Parker, I. M., Peltzer, D. A., Potgieter, L., Raymundo, M., Rayome, D., Reisman-Berman, O., Richardson, D. M., Roos, R. E., Saldaña, A., Shackleton, R. T., Torres, A., Trudgen, M., Urban, J., Vicente, J. R., Vilà, M., Ylioja, T., Zenni, R. D., Godoy, O. 2019. Global effects of non-native tree species on multiple ecosystem services. Biology

Charles, L. S.Dwyer, J. M., Chapman, H. M. Yadok, B. G. and Mayfield, M. M. 2019. Landscape structure mediates zoochorous-dispersed seed rain under isolated pasture trees across distinct tropical regions. Landscape Ecology. 34: 1347–1362. link

Charles, L.S.Dwyer, J. M., Chapman, H. M., Yadok, B. G., Mayfield, M. M.  2019. Landscape position and woody vegetation within the matrix mediates seed dispersal under isolated pasture trees across distinct tropical region. Landscape Ecology. link

Staples, T. L., England, J. E., Dwyer, J. M. and Mayfield, M. M. 2019. Species and functional diversity are poor predictors of productivity in forest plantings. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28(10) 1417-1429.

Staples, T.Dwyer, J.Wainwright, C.,Mayfield, M.2019. Applied ecology research is on the rise but connectivity barriers persist between four major subfields. Journal of Applied Ecology 56: 1492–

Staples, T.L.Dwyer, J.M., England, J.R., Mayfield, M.M. 2019. Productivity does not correlate with species and functional diversity in Australian reforestation plantings across a wide climate gradient. Global Ecology Biogeography 28: 1417– 1429. link

Wainwright, C. E., Holt, R. D. & Mayfield, M. M. 2019. Looks can be deceiving: ecologically similar exotics have different impacts on a native competitor. Oecologia. 190: 927–940 link


Bimler, M. D., Stouffer, D. B., Lai, H. R., and Mayfield M. M.2018. Accurate predictions of coexistence in natural systems require the inclusion of facilitative interactions and environmental dependency. Journal of Ecology 106(5): 1839-1852. link

Charles, L. S.,  Dwyer, J. M.,  Smith, T. J.,  Connors, S.,  Marschner, P. and  Mayfield, M. M. 2018. Species wood density and the location of planted seedlings drive early-stage seedling survival during tropical forest restoration. Journal of Applied Ecology 55:1009-1018. link

Charles, L. S.,  Dwyer, J. M.,  Smith, T. J., Connors, S, Marschner, P, and Mayfield,M. M. 2018.  Seedling growth responses to species-,neighborhood-,and landscape-scale effects during tropical forest restoration. Ecosphere 9(8): e02386. link

Germain, R. M., Mayfield, M. M., and Gilbert, B. 2018. The ‘filtering’ metaphor revisited: competition and environment jointly structure invasibility and coexistence. Biology Letters 14(8). link

Northfield, T. D., Laurance S. G. W., Mayfield, M. M., Paini, D. R., Snyder, W. E., Stouffer, D. B., Wright, J. T.,  and Lach, L. 2018. Native turncoats and indirect facilitation of species invasions. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 285: 20171936. link

Puritty, C. E., Mayfield M. M., F. M. Azcárate, and E. E. Cleland. 2018. Different traits predict competitive effect versus response by Bromus madritensis in its native and invaded ranges. Biological Invasionslink

Reynolds, V. A., Anderegg, L. D. L., Loy, X., HilleRisLambers, J., and Mayfield, M. M. 2018. Unexpected drought resistance strategies in seedlings of four Brachychiton species, Tree Physiology 38 (5): 664–677 link

Smith, T. J. and Mayfield, M.M. 2018. The effect of habitat fragmentation on the bee visitor assemblages of three Australian tropical rainforest tree species. Ecology and Evolution 8(16): 8204-8216. link

Stouffer, D. B., Wainwright C. E.Flanagan T., and Mayfield M. M. 2018. Cyclic population dynamics and density‐dependent intransitivity as pathways to coexistence between co‐occurring annual plants. Journal of Ecology 106:838-851 link

Wainwright, C. E., HilleRisLambers, J., Lai, H. R.Loy, X., and Mayfield M. M. 2019. Distinct responses of niche and fitness differences to water availability underlie variable coexistence outcomes in semi‐arid annual plant communities. Journal of Ecology. 2018;00:1–14. link

Wainwright, C. E.Staples, T. L.Charles, L. S.Flanagan, T. C.Lai, H. R.Loy, X.Reynolds, V. A. and Mayfield, M. M. 2018Links between community ecology theory and ecological restoration are on the rise. Journal of Applied Ecology55:570-581  link


Charles, L. S.Dwyer, J. M., and Mayfield, M. M. 2017. Rainforest seed rain into abandoned tropical Australian pasture is dependent on adjacent rainforest structure and extent.  Austral Ecology, 42: 238-249. link

Ladouceur, E. and Mayfield, M. M. 2017. The early responses of subtropical tussock grasslands to restoration treatments. Restoration Ecology 25 (5).  link

Mayfield, M. M.and Stouffer, D. B. 2017. Higher-order interactions capture unexplained complexity in diverse communities. Nature Ecology and Evolution1 (3): 0062. link

Rocha-Santos, L., Benchimol, M., Mayfield, M. M., Faria, D., Pessoa, M. S., Talora, D. C., Mariano-Neto, E., Cazetta, E. 2017. Functional decay in tree community within tropical fragmented landscapes: Effects of landscape-scale forest cover. PlosOne 12(4): e0175545.

Sams, M. A., Lai, H. R., Bosner, S. P., Vesk, P. A., Kooyman, R. M., Metcalfe, D. J., Morgan, J. W. and Mayfield, M. M.2017. Landscape context explains changes in the functional diversity of regenerating forests better than climate or species richness. Global Ecology and Biogeographylink

Willcox, B., Aizen, M., Cunningham, S. A., Mayfield, M. M., and Rader, R. 2017. Deconstructing pollinator community effectiveness. Current Opinions in Insect Science21: 98–104. link


Kenyon, T. M., Mayfield, M. M., Monteith, G. B., Menéndez, R. 2016. The effects of land use change on native dung beetle diversity and function in Australia’s Wet Tropics. Austral Ecology, doi: 10.1111/aec.12366. link

Mayfield, M. M. 2016. Restoration of tropical forests requires more than just planting trees, a lot more… Applied Vegetation Science, 19: 553-554. link

Staples, T. J., Dwyer, J. M., Loy, X. and Mayfield. M. M. 2016. Potential mechanisms of coexistence in closely related forbs. Oikos, 125(12): 1812-1823. link

Wainwright, C. E.Dwyer, J. M. and Mayfield, M. M. 2016. Effects of exotic annual grass litter and local environmental gradients on annual plant community structure. Biological Invasions, 19: 479-491 link

Wainwright, C. E.Dwyer, J. M., Hobbs, R. J. Mayfield, M. M. 2016. Diverse outcomes of species interactions in an invaded annual plant community. Journal of Plant Ecology, rtw102. link

2015 and older

Dwyer, J. M., Hobbs, R. J., Wainwright, C. E. and Mayfield, M. M. 2015. Climate moderates release from nutrient limitation in natural annual plant communities. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24: 549–561. link

Garibaldi, L.A., Bartomeus, I., Bommarco, R., Klein, A.M., Cunningham, S.A., Aizen, M., Boreux, V., Garratt, M., Carvalheiro, L.G., Kremen, C., Morales, C., Schüepp, C., Chacoff, N., Freitas, B., Gagic, V., Holzschuh, A., Klatt, B., Krewenka, K., Krishnan, S. & Mayfield, M. M2015. Trait matching of flower visitors and crops predicts fruit set better than trait diversity. Journal of Applied Ecology, 52: 1436–1444. link

Lai, H. R.Mayfield, M. M., Gay-des-Combes, J., Spiegelberger, T., Dwyer, J. M. 2015. Distinct invasion strategies operating within a natural annual plant system. Ecology Letters, 18: 336–346. link

Loy, X.Wainwright, C. E. and Mayfield, M. M. 2015. Asteraceae invaders have limited impacts on the pollination of common native annual species in SW Western Australia’s open woodland wildflower communities. Plant Ecology216: 1103–1115. link

Rader, R., I. Bartomeus, L. A. Garibaldi, M. P. D. Garratt, B. G. Howlett, R. Winfree, S. A. Cunningham, M. M. Mayfield, A. D. Arthur, G. K. S. Andersson, R. Bommarco, C. Brittain, L. S. G. Carvalheiro, N. P. Chacoff, M. H. Entling, B. Foully, B. M. Freitas, B. Gemmill-Herren, J. Ghazoul, S. R. Griffin, C. L. Gross, L. Herbertsson, F. Herzog, J. Hipólito, S. Jaggar, F. Jauker, A. Klein, D. Kleijn, S. Krishnan, C. Q. Lemos, S. A. M. Lindström, Y. Mandelik, V. M. Monteiro, W. Nelson, L. Nilsson, D. E. Pattemore, N. L. De O. Pereira, G. Pisanty, S. G. Potts, M. Reemer, M. Rundlöf, C. S. Sheffield, J. Scheper, C. Schüepp, H. G. Smith, D. A. Stanley, J. C. Stout, H. Szentgyörgyi, H. Taki, C. H. Vergara, B. F. Viana, and M. Woyciechowski. 2015. Non-bee insects are important contributors to global crop pollination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113: 146–151. pdf

Smith, T. J. and Mayfield, M. M. 2015. Diptera species and functional diversity across tropical Australian countryside landscapes. Biological Conservation, 191: 436-443. link

Dwyer, J. M., Hobbs, R. and Mayfield, M. M. 2014. Specific leaf area responses to environmental gradients through space and time. Ecology, 95(2): 399-410. pdf

Mayfield, M. M.Dwyer, J. M., Main, A. and Levine, J. M. 2014. The germination strategies of widespread annual plants are unrelated to regional climate. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23: 1430–1439. link

Standish, R. J., Hobbs, R. J., Mayfield, M. M., Bestelmeyer, B., Suding, K., Battaglia, L., Eviner, V., Hawkes, C., Temperton, V. M., Cramer, V., Harris, J., Funk, J., Thomas, P. 2014. Resilience in ecology: Abstraction, distraction, or where the action is? Biological Conservation, 177: 43-51. link

Garibaldi, L. A., I. Steffan-Dewenter, R. Winfree, M. A. Aizen, R. Bommarco, S. A. Cunningham, C. Kremen, L. G. Carvalheiro, O. Afik, I. Bartomeus, F. Benjamin, D, Cariveau, N. P. Chacoff, J. H. Dudenhöffer, B. Freitas, S. Greenleaf, L. Harder, J. Hipólito, A. Holzschuh, B. Howlett, R. Isaacs, S. K. Javorek, C. Kennedy, K. Krewenka, Y. Mandelik, M. M. Mayfield, I. Motzke, T. Munyuli, B. A. Nault, M. Otieno, J. Petersen, G. Pisanty, S. G. Potts, R. Rader, T. H. Ricketts, M. Rundlöf, C. Seymour, C. Schüepp, K. Smitha, H. Szentgyörgyi, H. Taki, T. Tscharntke, C. H. Vergara, B. F. Viana, T. C. Wanger, C. Westphal, N. Williams, A. M. Klein. 2013. Wild pollinators enhance fruit set of crops regardless of honey bee abundance. Science, 339: 1608-1611. link

Kennedy, C. M., Lonsdork, E., Neel, M. C., Williams, N. M., Ricketts, T. H., Winfree, R., Bommarco, R., Brittain, C., Burley, A. L., Cariveau, D., Carvelheiro, L. G., Chacoff, N. P., Cunningham, S. A., Danforth, B. N., Dudenhoffer, J., Elle, E., Gaines, H. R., Gratton, C., Greensleaf, S. S., Holzschuh, A., Isaacs, R., Javorek, S. K., Jha, S., Klein, A. M., Krewenka, K., Mandelik, Y., Mayfield, M. M., Morandin, L., Neame, L. A., Otieno, M., Park, M., Potts, S. G., Rundlof, M., Saez, A., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Taki, H., Tuell, J. K., Viana, B. F., Veldman, R., Westphal, C., Kremen, C. 2013. A global quantitative synthesis of local and landscape effects on native bee pollinators in agroecosystems. Ecology Letters, 16: 584-599. link

Mayfield, M. M.Dwyer, J. M., Wells, J. Chalmandrier, L., DeClerck, F., Burley, A., Bonser, S. P., Catterall, C. P., Metcalfe, D. J., C. Queroz, Vesk, P. and Morgan, J. W. 2013. Differences in forest plant functional trait distributions across land-use and productivity gradients. American Journal of Botany, 100(7): 13–1368. link

Saunders, M. E., Luck, G. W, and Mayfield, M. M. 2013. Almond orchards with living ground cover host more wild insect pollinators. Journal of Insect Conservation, 17: 1011–1025. link

HilleRisLambers, J., Adler, P. B. Harpole, W. S., Levine, J. M., and Mayfield M. M. 2012. Rethinking community assembly through the lens of coexistence theory. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 43: 227–248. link

Moles, A. T., Flores-Moreno, H., Bonser, S. P., Warton, D. I., Helm, A., Warman, L., Eldridge, D. J., Jurado, E., Hemmings, F. A., Cavender-Bares, J., Reich, P. B., Seabloom, E. W., Mayfield, M. M., Sheil, D., Djietror, J. C., Peri, P. L., Setterfield, S. A., Lehmann, C. E. R., Thomson, F. J., Enrico, L., Cabido, M. R., and Lumbwe, F. 2012. Invasions: the trail behind, the path ahead, and a disturbing idea. Journal of Ecology, 100: 116–127. link

Burley, A. L., Enright, N. J., and Mayfield, M. M. 2011. Demographic response and life history of traditional forest resource tree species in a tropical mosaic landscape in Papua New Guinea. Forest Ecology and Management, 262: 750–758. link

Garibaldi, L. A., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Kremen, C., Morales, J. M., Bommarco, R., Cunningham, S., Carvalheiro, L., Chacoff, N., Dudenhoffer, J-H., Greenleaf, S., Holzschuh, A., Isaacs, R., Krewenka, K., Mandelik, Y., Mayfield, M. M., Morandim, L., Potts, S., Ricketts, T., Szentgyorgyi, H., Winfree, R., and Klein, A-M. 2011. Stability of pollination services decreases with isolation from natural areas despite honey bee visits. Ecology Letters, 14: 1062–1072. link

Katovai, E.Burley, A. L., and Mayfield, M. M. 2011. Non-tree plant species and functional diversity in the degraded wet tropical forests of Kolombangara Island, Solomon Islands. Biological Conservation, 145: 214–224. link

Sonter, L., Metcalfe, D., and Mayfield, M. M.  2011. Assessing rainforest restoration: The value of buffer strips for the recovery of rainforest remnants in Australia’s wet tropics. Pacific Conservation Biology16: 274–288. link

Laliberté, E., Wells, J., DeClerck, F., Metcalfe, D., Catterall, C., Queiroz, C., Aubin, I., Bonser, S., Ding, Y., Fraterrigo, J. M., McNamara, S., Morgan, J., Sánchez Merlos, D., Vesk, P., and Mayfield, M. M. 2010. Land use intensification reduces redundancy and response diversity in plant communities. Ecology Letters, 13: 76–86. link

Mayfield, M. M. and Levine, J. 2010. Opposing effects of competitive exclusion on the phylogenetic structure of communities. Ecology Letters, 13: 1085–1093. link

Mayfield, M. M., Bonser, S. P., Morgan, J. W., Aubin, I., McNamara, S., and Vesk, P. A.  2010. What does species richness tell us about functional diversity? Predictions and evidence for responses of species and trait diversity to land use change. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 19: 423–431. link  

Flynn, D., Gogol-Prokurat, M., Lin, B., Molinari, N., Nogeire, T., Trautman Richers, B., Simpson, N., Mayfield, M. M., and DeClerck, F.  2009. Loss of functional diversity under land use intensification across multiple taxa. Ecology Letters,12: 22–33. link

Mayfield, M. M., Boni, M. F., and Ackerly, D. 2009. Traits, habitats and clades: Identifying traits of potential importance to environmental filtering. American Naturalist, 174: E1–E22. pdf

Ricketts, T. H., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Cunningham, S. A., Regetz, J., Gemmill, B., Greenleaf, S., Klein, A. M., Kremen, C., Mayfield M. M., Mordandin, L., and Winfree, R. 2008. Landscape effects on crop pollination services: are there general patterns? Ecology Letters11: 499–515. link

Moles, A. T., Ackerly, D. D., Webb, C. O., Tweddle J. C., Dickie, J. B., Falster, D. S., Leishman, M. R., Mayfield, M. M., Pitman, A., and Westoby, M. 2007. Global patterns in seed size. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 16: 109–116. link

Sax, D., Stachowicz, J. J., Brown, J. H., Bruno, J. F., Dawson, M. N., Gaines, S. D., Grosberg, R.K., Hastings, A., Holt, R. D., Mayfield, M. M., O’Connor, M. I., and Rice. W. R. 2007. Ecological and evolutionary insights from invasive species. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 22: 465–464. link

Vellend, M., Harmon, L., Lockwood, J., Mayfield, M. M., Hughes, R., Wares, J., and Sax, D.  2007.  Effects of exotic species on evolutionary diversification. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 22: 481–488. link

Mayfield, M. M., Ackerly, D., and Daily G. C. 2006. The diversity and conservation of plant reproductive and dispersal functional traits in human-dominated tropical landscapes. Journal of Ecology, 94: 522–536. link

Ricketts, T., Williams, N., and Mayfield, M. M. 2006. Connectivity and ecosystem services. In: Connectivity Conservation. Eds. K. Crooks and M. A. Sanjayan. Cambridge University Press.

Waser, N. and Mayfield M. M. 2006. Introductory Remarks to Section IV: Applications in agriculture and conservation.  In: Plant-pollinator interactions: From specialization to generalization.  Eds. N. Waser and J. Ollerton.  University of Chicago Press.

Mayfield, M. M. 2005. The importance of nearby forest to known and potential pollinators of oil palm (Elaeis guineënsisJacq.; Arecaceae) in southern Costa Rica. Economic Botany, 59: 190–196. link

Mayfield, M. M. and Daily, G. C. 2005. Countryside biogeography of Neotropical herbaceous and shrubby plants.  Ecological Applications, 15: 423–439. pdf

Mayfield, M. M., Boni, M. F., Daily, G. C., and Ackerly, D. 2005. Species and functional diversity of native and human-dominated plant communities. Ecology, 86: 2365–2372. pdf

Mayfield, M. M., Waser, N., and Price, M. 2001.  Exploring the ‘most effective pollinator principle’ with complex flowers: bumblebees and Ipomopsis aggregata.  Annals of Botany, 88: 591–596. link

Mayfield, M. M. 1998.  Pollinators of Chapmannia floridana (Fabaceae) and their foraging preferences.  The Florida Entomologist, 81: 489–496. link


Allen-Perkins, Alfonso, Magrach, Ainhoa, Dainese, Matteo, Garibaldi, Lucas A., Kleijn, David, Rader, Romina, Reilly, James R., et al. (100+ including Mayfield, M. M.) 2022. “ CropPol: A Dynamic, Open and Global Database on Crop Pollination.” Ecology 103( 3): e3614.

Falster, D. et al (100+ including Mayfield, M. M., Reynolds, V. A., & Staples, T. L.) 2021. AusTraits: a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora. Scientific Data 8(1), 1-20.

Hudson, L. N., Newbold, T., Contu, S. (100+ including Mayfield, M. M.2017. The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project. Ecology and Evolution, 7(1): 145-188.

Hudson, L. Newbold, T. et al. (100+ including Mayfield, M. M.) 2014. The PREDICTS database: a global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts. Ecology and Evolution, 4: 24: 4701-4735. pdf