If you are interested in joining the Mayfield lab as a Honours, Masters or PhD student, please send an e-mail to Prof. Margie Mayfield at margie.mayfield@unimelb.edu.au.
In your e-mail, please provide a brief description of your research interests along with a transcript (unofficial is fine) and a short CV detailing any research experience and publications you may have.
Thanks for your interest!.
Current PhD opportunity in the Mayfield Lab
Pollinators play important roles in natural ecosystems and agricultural landscapes where they contribute to crop production. Pollinator declines driven by habitat loss, climate change, and the spread of pests and pathogens are therefore concerning. European honeybees are currently the main crop pollinations in Australia but are now threatened by the Varroa mite responsible for colony collapses overseas. It is therefore important to understand whether native Australian pollinators can be conserved and supported in agricultural landscapes to secure pollination services. This project aims to enhance our understanding of the role of native Australian bees in Rubus (raspberry and blackberry) production, and the actions that can be taken to enhance native bee populations in agricultural landscapes (e.g. manipulation of non-crop floral resources).
There is funding for a PhD position in the Mayfield lab and Rafferty lab groups at the University of Melbourne to contribute significantly to this project through field and lab work, with scope to address additional research questions on pollinators and pollination in agricultural landscapes. This recruitment is a two-part process, with candidates selected for fit first, followed by a formal application process through the University of Melbourne postgraduate study system. We will work with successful candidates on this application process. To apply, please submit a one-page expression of interest detailing your background and research interests, CV, and academic transcript (unofficial is acceptable) to julian.brown@unimelb.edu.au by July 15. Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s (with honours) or Master’s degree. The ideal applicant will have a background in ecology or entomology and experience in ecological field work. This position will require extensive field work and thus candidates must be able to obtain a valid drivers license in Australia. This position is open to domestic and international students with the relevant background.
Currently available undergraduate semester projects:
We have a limited number of single semester research projects (SCIE30001) available for University of Melbourne third year students. If you are interested please send an expression of interest email to Prof. Margie Mayfield (margie.mayfield@unimelb.edu.au) with a copy of your academic transcript.